BLIND GUARDIAN Revisit Their Speed Metal Glory with “The God Machine”

Our Score

It’s been a while since we’ve had a proper Blind Guardian album, but it was worth the wait.

Their last offering, “Legacy of the Dark Lands,” was a departure from the band’s traditional heavy metal sound. Instead, the album labeled Blind Guardian Twilight Orchestra consisted entirely of symphonic arrangements. Years in the making, the album had the band’s fan base divided, at best. Unsurprisingly, some fans were disappointed with the lack of heavy metal elements. In the end, with all its ambition, the album fell short of being interesting.

Thankfully, “The God Machine” is a fantastic album that blends its 90s heavy metal roots with an epic touch to create something truly special. Indeed, this may be their best album in years! It kicks off with two incredibly powerful tracks, “Deliver Us From Evil” and “Damnation,” that show just what Blind Guardian is capable of. They are heavier than they have been in years, but they also add many progressive elements they’ve picked up along the way that make the songs even more interesting.

While the album does kick off with some incredibly powerful tracks, there are also a few songs that are a bit more experimental in nature, such as the industrial “Life Beyond the Spheres” or the closing “Destiny.” The contrast between the heaviness and epicness of the album is what gives it a huge replay value. The heavier songs are reminiscent of their older material, while the band was still carving the Helloween logo into walls. At the same time, other songs show how much the band has grown over the years.

The album packs some great tracks, including “Secrets Of The American Gods,” “Blood Of The Elves,” and the thrashy “Architects of Doom.” Each song has its own unique sound and style, making for an engaging listening experience from start to finish.

Overall, “The God Machine” is an excellent album from Blind Guardian. It’s their heaviest work in years, and it proves that they are still one of the best bands in the heavy metal genre. If you’re a fan of Blind Guardian or speed metal in general, then you need to check out this album.